TU-ID: 192 | 2024 | 51 | 245099
Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure Track
Foundations of Blockchain Technologies
The Faculty of Informatics, one of the eight faculties at the TU Wien, is among the top ranked faculties of Informatics in Europe, with more than 80 professors on all career levels and a strong focus on research excellence.
The Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien invites applications for a full time Assistant Professor (all genders) position with tenure track. The position is directed to Foundations of Blockchain Technologies and is affiliated with the Institute of Logic and Computation, Research Unit Security and Privacy. The estimated starting date is April 2025. The work contract is initially limited to six years. The candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.
TU Wien is among the most successful technical universities in Europe, and it is Austria’s largest scientific-technical research and educational institution. The Faculty of Informatics plays an active role in national and international research and has an excellent reputation. The main areas of research include Computer Engineering, Logic and Computation, Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, as well as Information Systems Engineering.
We invite applications from candidates with a focus on the foundations of blockchain technologies. The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to, cryptography, game theory, consensus algorithms, scalability, and interoperability.
The candidate should have an international research experience, a track record in raising third-party funding (in particular FWF ESPRIT Scholarship), and an outstanding publication record and vision. We are particularly interested in candidates that will complement our existing expertise and lead to fruitful collaborations not only with other members of the Faculty of Informatics but with TU Wien in general. With their research the candidate should also strengthen the newly established TU Wien Cybersecurity Center.
Besides research, the duties of an Assistant Professor at TU Wien Informatics include graduate and undergraduate teaching (in English and German) as well as contributing to usual management and faculty service tasks.
Your profile:
Applicants are expected to have the following qualifications:
- PhD or doctoral degree in Computer Science, or related subjects
- Post-doctoral experience at a university or other research institution
- An outstanding research and publication record
- An excellent reputation in the international scientific community
- Experience in raising research funds and managing scientific research projects (e.g. FWF-projects) at a highly competitive level as well as the independent acquisition and managing of an FWF ESPRIT Scholarship
- Experience in university teaching
- Pedagogic and didactic skills
- Administrative and organizational skills
- Gender sensitivity and social skills
- Leadership skills and experience
- Experience in outreach activities and science communication
- If the candidate’s knowledge of German is not sufficient, the willingness to learn German is expected
We offer:
- Excellent working conditions in an attractive research environment
- An attractive salary, including additional contributions to a pension fund
- Support for relocating to Vienna (if required)
- A position in a city with an exceptional quality of life
- Central location of workplace with very good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)
- Additional benefits for employees can be found at the following link: Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien
General information can be found at the following links:
People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter.
The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,939.90 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,808.20 gross (14 x per year).
We look forward to receiving your application until January 9th, 2025.
Applications have to include the following documents:
- A detailed curriculum vitae
- A letter of motivation
- A list of publications sorted by journals, conference papers, and other publications
- A teaching statement: 2 pages maximum
- A research statement: brief summary of past research activities, as well as a convincing outline of planned research activities, and an explanation of their contribution to the scientific profile of the Faculty of Informatics; 4-6 pages maximum; incl. abstract
- Certificates of doctoral and diploma degrees; should be uploaded under the category: +add more documents
- Copies of the applicant’s three most important publications related to the position together with an explanation of their relevance; should be also uploaded under the category: +add more documents
Carmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201
Here you can find also relevant information about the application process.